I have to admit that's a fantasy quite similar to the one I've had a time or three over the years, especially in my younger daze. I think most guys have probably had that one too... but with better "fantasy" endings. I mean, come on, what guy hasn't at one time or another fantasized about being the big stud player all the girls were after? Correct me if I'm wrong.
As far as those interested in the other kind of fantasy hockey, Sports Illustrated has a pretty good article by Ian Gooding on how to build competitive fantasy hockey club.
Just what strategies go into drafting a winning team? The most obvious one is to do your homework and determine which players will be the most successful based on past statistics and future projections. If you are on a Web site or using an offline publication that uses player rankings, it is always recommended that you create your own rankings. Because of the changes made to the game in the post-lockout era (the new NHL), many fringe players or players who had seen better days have now become fantasy superstars [...]Read more >>> HERE.
In what follows we will lay out a few different blueprints that you could choose to follow in your draft this season. The following tips are based upon a standard starting lineup which includes: two centers, two right wings, two left wings, four defensemen and two goalies.
Personally, I prefer my kind of fantasy hockey better. But hey, whatever floats your boat. If it's about hockey... it's all good.
How to Play Fantasy Hockey 2006-07 Fantasy Hockey Players on the Rise NHL Fantasy: Breakout Candidates